MSSAC's Officials
Our Level V Master Official - Blake Greenwood

Our Level III Officials
- Mark and Lori Chadwick
- Jeff Trudeau
- Tom Decsey
Mark and Lori (centre) have been with MSSAC for many years, with their fourth and youngest daughter swimming in Gold II. Lori has mentored many in the art of Clerk of Course while Mark has been our 'electronics man' before we had electronics, or so it seems. Probably more than anyone else, Mark & Lori can appreciate the huge step forward the Club achieved when we installed the new timing system at UTM. Many years of printing & sorting cards at home have finally led to the electronic era. By the way, many of you may know their daughter Lisa - a MSSAC alumni who works part-time at Swim & Sports concurrent with her studies at Ryerson.
- Cheryl Greenwood
Congratulations goes to Cheryl Greenwood of MSSAC for being awarded her Level III Officiating designation by Swim Ontario at the Central Region Spring Official's clinic on March 1, 2008.
- Stephen Rockett

Congratulations goes to Stephen Rockett of MSSAC for being awarded his Level III Officiating designation by Swim Ontario at the Central Region Spring Official's clinic on March 7, 2009.
Planning meets begins months in advance and being successful doesn't occur by chance. If you’re interested in "moving up the ladder" please contact our Officials Chair, Allan Gray.